Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Back to the Drawing Board...

Today, I walked around my complex...1/4 mile at turtle pace-AGAIN! It's frustrating, BUT...when I get knocked down...I get up again (Chumbawamba).

As most of you know, I am a huge Wonder Woman fan.
My parents can probably share some stories with you, ha!  
She was and still is my super hero
Lesson for me...while it is great to be in remission, it will continue to have it's ups and downs. My body is whacked out! I will have days or weeks of smooth sailing, but I know not to be surprised if I have a setback. Dr. Hellerstedt warned me about survivorship. It's not easy. Yep...she's right. Friday's surgery certainly slowed me down. My body has been through a quite a bit the past few months, and I can say with confidence, my body is pretty unhappy right now. I definitely need to give it extra TLC. Here is what the past couple of weeks have been like...

For Travis and Zelina, it was deja vu! October 7th marked two months since I went into remission and had major surgery. Geez...AND---here I am back at the start line. Before all this mess, I had just worked my run/walk to 5 miles! I was working full days. Zelina and I were planning on going home to visit my mom for her birthday. I was gaining more strength and range of motion. Though I still get fatigued and have ups and downs, I was getting stronger each week.
He is not just my boyfriend, but my best friend...and a co-survivor. It takes a special person to stand by and support someone during difficult times. We are inside Easy Tiger drying off...just in case you're wondering...ha.

The day after my birthday, I woke up with a pain in my side. I didn't think much at first and thought it was something musculature. Friday morning comes along, and it is still there. Again, I don't think much of it and figure it will go away. I did duty at the volleyball game Friday night, and by the time I got home, I was very weak and tired. I attributed my physical state to being back full time with duty days. Saturday morning felt okay, so I got up and went to the trail. After my workout, I made my way to my favorite spot-The Soup Peddler! I always get the voltron smoothie, and while I was super excited, I wasn't all that hungry. Sadly, the smoothie didn't hit the spot like it normally did. That evening I was getting together with friends, and I didn't feel all that great. I could tell throughout the day my appetite was funky, and I just didn't feel right. By Sunday morning, the pain in my side was more present, my appetite was even more shot, and I felt achey. Okay...time to call my oncologist. This is not musculature.

I called Monday to speak with the nurse and inform her about my symptoms. They scheduled me for Tuesday afternoon. I had two doctors appointments that day. I am still seeing my plastic surgeon and go to physical therapy twice a week. As I left my appointment Tuesday, I called my mom to give her an update. My mom proceeds to tell me "don't be alarmed, but I am following the ambulance. Your dad is being rushed to the hosptial." WHAT?! While I was not feeling well, neither was my dad. God bless my mom! While my dad was in the hospital, I continued dealing with all my mess on top of worrying about my dad! Not a good week to say the least. 
My good ole medic bucket.
Waiting to be taken back for surgery

I had a CT scan on Wednesday, and Thursday I had my results. Thursday: Jennifer, the nurse for my oncologist and nurse oncologist, informed me it was my appendix. The schedulers called me next, and by the next morning (Friday), I was seeing a surgeon. I took a half day expecting to be back at work that afternoon. I thought I would either have more tests done or get a "what next plan." NOPE...because of the tenderness I had during my exam, CT results, along with other symptoms, the doctor told me if we waited, it would get worse. We had to act now. What? Next thing you know, I am being admitted to Seton Hospital. I called Zelina and Travis, and they made the arrangements to be with me. And for the record, I NEVER want to go to Seton Hospital again. St. David's is my go to hospital. Friday I had an appendectomy. Good times again. I am so thankful Travis and Zelina could be there with me. Devin also came to visit. It was nice to have the support there. It's frustrating to get knocked back down, but the support helps me bounce back. could be worse. All went well, and I was out late the next day (and ready to leave that place). dad was still in the hospital, but thanks be to God they released him on Monday!! He has pancreatitus. He's been in good spirits and doing better. He will have surgery to remove his gallbladder, so we are waiting as to when that will take place. 

Other than the setback, I've been making progress. It's not always easy, but I just roll with it. Being that it's breast cancer awaremness month, I've had many emotional moments I wasn't expecting. On October 1st, Good Morning America had a special episode for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I must confess...between watching Robin Roberts, GMA, and the whole breast cancer thing in general, I was in tears!! I am still so tender and raw to this whole experience, so sometimes I think it's healthy to have a good cry. Tears of happiness along with other emotions are needed now and then. It's not just about me, but it's about the millions of women and men who are diagnosed daily with breast cancer, those who lost their battle to it, and those who await results.  And's not just breast cancer, but ANY type of cancer. It's a beast, but there are many who beat it. My friend Robin sent me a Wonder Woman card with a message that resonated with me. She said "Cancer did not define me. I defined cancer." I have yet to meet a cancer survivor who did not define cancer. There is a fight in all those who have to battle the big "C."

Whether you are reading this for the first time or have kept up with my blog, I encourage you to read my first blog. So many women asked me how I found the lump. I found it by doing a self-exam. In July of 2012 I had my annual exam, and breast exams are always completed. I found the lump in January 2013, so in a matter of 6 months, I had two tumors in my right breast. My journey could've looked very different if I hadn't completed a self-exam and discovered the lump. Self breast exams are SO IMPORTANT! Encourage others, but most importantly, encourage yourself to make it a point to complete exams monthly. My message isn't intended only for women, but men too. 

Flashback:  The pictures below are from my surgery in August. My sister forgot she had them and showed them to me last Friday. The last place I wanted to spend my weekend was in a hospital, but I feel pretty relieved it's not the kind of experience and pain I had a couple of months ago. Seeing these pictures are good reminders of the progress I've made!

I am in lots of pain here and can't lift my arms. Travis is feeding me small pieces of crackers. 

The day after surgery my surgeons wanted me up and moving. I am wearing the ridiculous belt, ha!

When I saw this picture, it broke my heart. It really made me sad. I had NO idea how swollen I was and how distressed I looked. Zelina just looked at me and shook her head in agreement. My body has taken a beating-ouch :(

Thanks be to God I did not leave the hospital on Saturday with 4 drains and a pain pump! The surgery I had a couple of months ago has me more than prepared to recover from an appendectomy. I am moving onward and upward. It's back to the drawing board. At this point, I know how to increase my stamina and strength. I know my body even better now. I'll be just fine! 

When I turned 35 a couple of weeks ago, typically I would've made a statement implying how old I am, ha! I would've attributed new aches and pains to the good ole I've hit my mid-thirties-YIKES! My attitude has changed. This birthday had a whole different meaning to me. I welcome each day, week, month and year God blesses me with. The aches, pains, and setbacks remind me I'm ALIVE!  I'll joke, whine, complain, vent, and be vulnerable, but deep in my heart, I know what matters most...the gift of life. 

Much love to you,
"All women can do wonders if they're put to the test." Wonder Woman