Tuesday, August 13, 2013

On The Road to Remission

Last week during this time there was a party going on in my tummy! I was so nervous, Travis and Zelina went with me to do a walk/jog at my sanctuary-Town Lake.  It's hard to believe the surgery is complete, I'm in recovery, and I'm on the road to remission!!

The night before surgery: Finally, my GI Jane (AKA-GI Rissa-thanks Heather!) moment. I could hardly
do a one-arm push up!
The recovery is extremely hard, and like I've told many people, this is the most pain and discomfort I've ever had to endure. I can think of four times in my life I cried from pain, and two of those times took place in the hospital. I was in the hospital for 3 full days, and I almost thought I was going to be there for a 3rd night. Luckily, they gave me medication for nausea through my IV, and it did the trick. 

The night before surgery...gett'n ready
to kick cancer in the booty!

I checked in for surgery at 5 AM on Wednesday morning. I was ready, but nervous. The two hours before surgery went quick! My friend Robin, my parents, Zelina, and Travis were there with me. Before I knew it, the anesthesiologist came in and so did Dr. Martinez. I was moments away! I had a setback...of course I would! The RN who set up my IV did something wrong because my forearm began swell up, so they pulled it out and tried to put it in my hand. OUCH!! I was already nervous, and the thought of we need to find a spot for her IV...really?!?! Finally, the RN anesthesiologist took care of it, and I was on my way. Dr. Martinez was in the operating room when they rolled me in. I have to say...the more I get to know her, but the more I admire her. She was not warm and fuzzy when I first met her, but over time she warmed up and showed me another side to her. The day of surgery she certainly showed her true colors. As I was getting prepped in the operating room, she held my hand and my arm. In a very nurturing manner, she rubbed my arm until I was out. Her kind gesture meant the world to me. 
My room was cold so the
WW snuggie was a hit!
In my room pre-surgery.
I am wearing the princess crown
Kylie, Travis' niece, made for me.

Of course when I woke up I was really groggy and completely out of it. My family was there, and so was Mrs. Peel. I remember her telling me the surgeon said my lymph nodes looked clear..."that's what we want!" She's a breast cancer survivor. It's a sisterhood you don't choose, but when it's all said and done, it's one you take pride in. I also discovered my 4 drains and pain pump with a catheter. I was packed like a unabomber, ha. I was in the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights. Zelina stayed with me the first night, and Travis stayed with me the second night. It was quite the experience. The drains are gross, but help with healing. They have to be emptied out twice a day. All these things on me make life extremely difficult. Luckily yesterday, I had two drains removed-thank God! Yesterday was also the first day I was able to eat 2 full meals. For most of the week I could only stomach crackers-yummy, huh? And showering...psh! I hate doing that (for now, ha). It took me over an hour to walk up the stairs, prep for the shower, get prepped again after, walk down the stairs, and lay down. Far from fun. On Sunday I tried to take a shower on my own, and it wore me out and made me sick. I was shot for the rest of the day. Like chemo, I am weak and can't do much for myself. Actually, I am more restricted now than I was during treatment. I can't even open a pill bottle!! Good grief! BUT...I was able to walk more yesterday, and I am walking without the ridiculous belt I was given. I had to wear a belt when I walked for safety. Someone had to hold it as I walked, and I felt silly. At the hospital Travis joked with me and said "You are kinda like Coach now...I walk you...I feed you...and I take you  to the restroom, ha!" Literally, that's what he did. In the hospital, I couldn't hold anything in my hand so he would break small pieces of crackers and feed me. He would do the same with jello and anything I had to drink. I won't even go into the whole restroom issues, ha! If you come for a visit, I'll share funny hospital stories with you.  

Day 1 at home with Cassie
at my side. 
Each day I gather a little more strength, but I have a long ways to go. I knew this would be hard, and it's NO JOKE! I am miserable and tired, but I dig deep. It's not always easy though. However, something yesterday made me look ahead to refocus and stay motivated.

The bear my nephew brought me!
I love it...he was up to shenanigans
at the hospital ;)

Yesterday I had my post-op with Dr. Martinez. Going into my appointment I knew I would be receiving my final pathology report. I had a good feeling, but mentally prepared myself for worse case scenario. Dr. Martinez's assistant told me they had good news, and she printed the pathology report and gave it to us. As Travis read it, I waited for Dr. Martinez. She came in with a big smile on her face. Dr. Martinez simply stated "they found no cancer." A little confused I looked at her again, and she informed us that the pathologist reviewed 60 slides and reviewed them twice. I had a what the medical world calls a "complete pathological response." Just one of the many benefits to doing chemo first. Basically, chemo did the job!! My tumors went from shrinking with chemo to nothing!! NO CANCER IN MY BREAST TISSUE!! It wasn't only the chemo, but I truly believe the power of prayers gave me these results! I cried...I am shedding tears now, ha. 

Six months ago I was not only told I had cancer, but I was told I had an aggressive form of breast cancer-triple negative. My cancer cells were dividing at 95%, and my only treatment options were surgery and chemotherapy. Here I am six months later sharing with you that the cancer is gone, and I am in remission! My body has been through the ringer, and I feel pretty beat up, but like Dr. Martinez said...it was worth all the work.
My "hombre"nails. Think it's
polish? Nope-these are
my chemo nails. 

I know I've thanked you, but honestly, I don't know that I even have the words to express how thankful I am for your love, support, prayers, and positive thoughts. Like I've said before, my medical team is awesome, but it certainly does not compare to my team of family and friends. I also thank you for not only supporting me, but also for your love and support for Travis, Cassie Mae, and my family. It was, and still is, a journey for them. I also thank you with all my heart for the messages while I was in the hospital. They brought me happy tears as I read them. My family and friends mean the world to me, and I was already honored to have you in my life, but I am certainly all the more honored to have you along my side during this unforeseen journey. 

So what next? Well, my recovery is long and slow, and I still have more reconstructive procedures including one more surgery. I am spending the next few weeks to a month recovering so I am fully healed. As for treatment, thanks be to GOD I AM DONE! I see my oncologist on August 22nd, so I will get more updates from her. I am moving forward to build my strength, slowly get life back to normal, and focus on staying cancer free. I will continue with blogs as I begin this new chapter-remission. Like my cousin Steve said "Here's to new beginnings...!"

Much Love to You,

"All women can do wonders if they're put to the test." -Wonder Woman


  1. You bring tears of joy to me. I wish you only strength for your recovery. Your journey will help other sisters understand the road is full of rough spots, but at the end, the beauty will be waiting. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. GOD IS GOOD!!! I can't tell you how happy I am!! I started reading this the day you posted but didn't finish because I had students to enroll and then had to go home and finish packing or old house (we are totally moved in tour new house. Yea!!). Evidently I stopped reading just before you talked about the pathology report. Tears of joy are flowing down my face. Clarissa, I am so happy for you!!!!! You are an inspiration to women everywhere!!
