Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More Good News!!

Zelina and her friends (Crissy and Bubba) ran the Color Run
My sister sent this picture to me after the race :)

Overall, the week after the "red devil" was pretty much the same stuff as last time. One distinct side effect popped up in this round: hot flashes-AWESOME! Yes, I was warned and told I would get them, and I did. Oh well, I'll take hot flashes over nausea. So…to the good stuff!

Tuesday May 16th: Travis came to pick me up, and we made our way to Texas Breast Specialist. I was anxious to hear and see the size of the tumors. Dr. Martinez did an exam first, and she had a big smile on her face! She said "I can hardly feel the lump!" After the exam, she set me up for an ultra sound. I wish I could show you pictures. It was pretty amazing to see. Three months ago I saw a big dark circular mass on the ultra sound, and Tuesday we saw….drum roll please!!!

….the chemo is breaking up the masses, so they are not ONLY smaller, but the masses also look like they are flatter because the chemo is breaking them up. It was hard for her to get a precise measurement. The measurement she took was the part of the larger mass.  Dr. Martinez measured it at about .5 cm!! WOOHOO…I hope you are doing your happy dance :) Not only was she pleased, but we were too! The chemo is doing its job, and while I DO NOT like the number it's doing on me, it is killing cancer!!! In the words of my friend Steve Shiels "Bottom line-those tumors are toast!" 

It looks like I will be on schedule to wrap up with chemo the first week of July! Dr. Martinez told me surgery usually takes place about 3 weeks or so after chemo, so surgery may be end of July or early August. I will be having a double mastectomy with full breast reconstruction. My plastic surgeon is Dr. Haydon, and he works closely with my breast surgeon and oncologist. He is also a Texas Ex, and so that makes me all the more confident in him. Longhorns are pretty sharp people ;). 

It's hard to believe I'm already planning for surgery, but there is still a small journey before I get there…the second half of chemo. I begin taxol tomorrow (May 23). My parents and Zee will be with me. It will be a long one…4-5 hours. Yikes…AND yes, I am dreading it. Tomorrow I am going to put a little bit of Vicks under my nose just to help with the smell of the infusion room, ha. Thanks to my friend Norma-she gave me the idea. From one Latina to another...growing up we used Vicks for everything, ha. 


According to Zee, I'm laughing
at cancer in this pic. I'm actually
laughing at Zee. She did something

A few words on my sister Zee.. If you may recall from one of my earlier blog, I referred to my little sister as my "Public Relations Commander." She was the one who set up my photo shoot at Gruene Hall. She set this up on her own, and she TOLD me it was going to take place. Yes, told me...she did not ask, ha. She also set up my hair and make-up...shout out to Martin Flores! And of course, I cannot forget Robin Jansky for her time and efforts for a fun and fantastic photo shoot! Zee does quite a bit "behind the scenes" and I just love her for it! I included a few pics from Gruene Hall. Thanks again are such a rock'n PR Commander!!!

After my 4th round of chemo, I was so thankful to be surrounded by such loving family and friends. Geez…I would not be where I am today without God and ALL OF YOU! Big thanks to Lee, Robin, Mrs. Peel, Amy, Gail, Jane, Amber, my primos Bridgette, Rene and familia,  my parents, Steve, Malinda, Kristine, and Travis for taking care of me during the week! And of course, I am always so thankful for the emails, text messages, phone calls, cards, thoughts and prayers. There are lots of ups and downs during this journey, and while I have a great  medical team, it certainly does not compare to my team of family and friends!!!!

Much love to you,

"All women can do wonders if they're put to the test." -Wonder Woman


  1. You don't know me, but I went to school with your sister. I found out yesterday about your condition and you will be in my prayers everyday!!

    For the past two years, I have run in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure, here in Houston. This year, I am team captain and planning on making t-shirts. I talked to Zelina yesterday (I hope it's okay with you!), and I'm going to run in your dedication this year! Your name will be on the back of our shirts - I plan on sending you one also. I don't run until October, so it's going to be a while but I will get your shirt size and mailing address from your sister. God bless you!!

  2. God is good Amber! I always knew He had my back ;)
    @Stephanie~When I read your message, it brought tears of happiness to my eyes. I am speechless...what an honor, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your act of generosity and kindness. God willing...if I can, I'll go to Houston and take part! I am an avid runner, but not sure what I'll be able to do in October. Thanks again for reaching out and sharing this news along with your prayers. Just warms my heart!

    1. You don't have to thank me. I couldn't imagine going through what you're going through. I'm glad I can make you smile though. :) Do you have a picture that you or Zelina could send to me, that I could also put on the shirt?

  3. Absolutely wonderful news! Your pictures are beautiful and your posts so inspiring. You are an amazing woman and are surrounded by such wonderful loving friends and family. I keep you in my prayers.
