Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Days of Summer and Transformation

Short Version:
Cas and Coach happy to be back at the beach.

The days of summer came, left, and it's back to school time. As I continue on the journey of survivorship, I learn more life skills to help me take care of me. My health, body, mind, and soul come first. When that's all taken care of and in good standing, then everything else falls into place. I am a better woman, sidekick, person, friend, family member, professional, etc. Honestly, that's what all of us should do in life. When we can take care of ourselves, we can serve and take care of others-better. Here is a list of what's been going on since April:

-I saw my oncologist in May, all is good! Getting healthier and stronger each visit.
-Summer had a sad start for me and my family, but we are at peace and pray my grandfather is too. For summer vacay, Travis and I took the dogs to Port Aransas, and we went to Dallas for my friend' s wedding. 
-I had a procedure on my eye. All is good and benign! Healing and moving on.
-I am back to work…and SO is Travis!
-Travis is an assistant principal at O'Henry Middle School
-I'm still in physical therapy and wear compression. 
-I see my oncologist in September.
-All is good, feeling good, and Team Wonder Woman (Travis, Cas, and Coach) continues to move onward and upward!

Relaxing at the beach house in Port A

Longer Version:

We hope for endless summers, but they end up being short and going by way too fast, but I'm thankful for them anyway! Quite a bit has happened since April so I will do my best to capture all of it. 

Summer…ahhh…the days of summer. During the summer months, I was challenged mentally and emotionally . In addition to that, I was asked a question that provoked some deep thought and strong reflections. These two life impacting moments inspired this blog...  I'll start with Father's Day weekend.

To kick off summer, I saw my parents and my sister Zelina for the first time in over 5 months. I was used to seeing them almost weekly, so as you can imagine, I was extremely excited to spend time with family. 

Father's Day with the best dad EVER!!

During our visit, my mom brought me a copy of a picture my cousin Yvonne took at my brother's wedding a year ago. As you may recall, I had the opportunity to attend my brother's wedding just days before a surgery that would change me physically and emotionally for the rest of my life. Can you believe that was one year ago??? August 7th marks one year I've been in remission! Raise the roof!! FIST PUMP!!

Z and I at my brother's wedding August 4, 2013

Flashback to PT the day
after surgery

Anyhow, when I saw the picture…I had a huge lump in my throat. I had a moment of disbelief…and shock thinking "'s hard to believe that was me." I also revisited some old blogs and posts from my second birthday, August 7th. A stroll down my unforeseen journey helps bring to light the trials faced over the past year and a half. Not just by me, but by my loved ones as well. Like I've mentioned before, I still look in the mirror and see a very tired and somewhat aged face…well no wonder why silly, ha! These vivid memories capture tremendous life events that leave me with internal and external scars that will stay with me forever. They are my battle wounds, my battle scars, and they are my victories. Uncovering and revisiting these artifacts are still very fresh, tender and raw. 

Travis and I at my friend Robert's wedding

Recovering…same stuff
different day.

My body is still in the process of trying to normalize, and its not quite there yet. Setbacks and cruddy days still exist, but thankfully I don't have as many, and they don't happen as often. My toes still have chemo nails…though it is almost gone. I lost my eyelashes again, and they are now at a length where you would've never known.  I still go to physical therapy and wear compression. I even got to add a really fancy compression bar and swell pad to the mix. Sexy, huh-haha?! Recently I had a procedure to remove a lesion from my eye. Good news…it was benign ! I had a follow-up with my opthamlogist, and I don't have to see her unless I have any changes or problems-SWEET! Bad news…I had an allergic reaction to the medication she prescribed-shocking, huh? Allergic reaction on top of the stitches I had on my eye resulted in a very miserable and unhappy Clarissa. I learned to work through it, and I am MUCH better now. Just another collection to the many scars I already have. My chemo brain is also getting better! I am able to think more clearly and recall information a little bit better. Things get a little foggy now and then, but overall I am making improvements. Though…when my brain has a good moment, sometimes I still feel like this

Kimberly, Travis, me, and Robert
Beautiful and fun filled wedding weekend!

Summer break was a season of sadness and happiness. The loss of my grandfather was unexpected, and while our family mourned, we also celebrated his life and enjoyed the reunion of our Viera family. Team Wonder Woman spent time in Port Aransas, went to my friend's wedding in Dallas, and had some down time in Austin. Thankfully our summer did not consist of infusion rooms! It was a short summer, but a good one. Travis definitely had a short summer because he got a new job! Travis went from a teacher/coach at O'Henry to  assistant principal at the same school. I am super proud of him! Both of us are back in the grind and just weeks away from jumping into a new school year. Lots of good change taking place! I am back to training and looking forward to January. I got into the Houston Half-Marathon and Travis will be running the full marathon. It's exciting to slowly pick up where I left off.

So…to get back to that whole transformation thing again... "What's been your biggest transformation?" I did not have  a straight forward answer. I can say this…I've thought quit a bit about that question. It's like Robin Roberts stated "make your mess your message." So, here is my mess ;)
Loving on Maya, Bella,
and Cassie Mae

It's extremely easy to get wrapped up in the little things in life that weigh us down and become bigger stressors. I've read over and over in diet plans how the little things you eat here and there catch up with you…well I believe the same happens in our day to day lives. The little things we commit to, say yes to, give up, ignore, times we don't turn it off, and I could keep going, but I think you get the point. SO, I am learning to let go of the little things and getting better at managing all other components of my life. Talk about a juggling act?! 
Good times with Lee and Magda
music, fun, and dancing!

I am a different kind of normal and that is the life I lead…to me it is the inevitable. I've had to put things on hold, fallen behind on personal and professional goals, made life decisions I was not quite ready for, and through it all I had to manage my health. But, through it all I was never alone. I had and still have a strong support network. The days ahead will be devoted not just to me, but those who have walked every step with me, experienced my emotions and their own, and battled battles I don't know about. I've said so much about how I have felt, and I know there is a tremendous amount of emotions my loved ones have felt as well. When I think about tomorrow and the future the following question comes to mind-What makes me happy? To me, it's a simple yet powerful question. The answer--The time I spend with my family and friends. Looking ahead…I think my future is bright…so I have to wear shades, ha! No, but really-my values changed. When I think of the future, I think of leading and living the type of life that will bring the most happiness, balance, and utmost harmony.

Balance has always been important to me, but sometimes it can be my weakness. What makes life…life? I don't have all the answers, but I am slowly making discoveries along the way. Life will always be busy, and there will always be somethingLife is what we make of it. My life is different. Our life is different. It will never be the same, but my victories tell me that my life is full, and the days ahead of me will unveil many blessings. I've discovered a new me, but I've also discovered some of the "old" me. The days of summer taught me some lessons. The little things are my transformation.

Much Love to YOU,
"All women can do wonders if they're put to the test." ~Wonder Woman

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